It's Not A Waste
A WebQuest for 6th Grade
Designed by
Tina Stoner
[email protected]![]()
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits |
You have been elected to the Recycling Club. The trash cans at your school over flow with notebook paper, construction paper and computer paper. Pop cans are tossed in the trash after lunch and after school. Why aren't the teachers and students recycling? The Recycling Club has 5 members; a Project Manager, a Public Relations Executive, a Secretary, and two Researchers. It is the Recycling Club's duty to solve this trashy problem by investigating the importance of recycling and developing a recycling plan for your school.
The Task
The Recycling Club's task is to...
Conduct research to find the 5 most important reasons why our school should recycle.
Develop a survey to be distributed to students in grades 4, 5, and 6 and to all teachers.
Type a list of 10 products that are made from recycled paper and 10 products that are made from recycled cans.
Find the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the 5 recycling centers nearest you.
Investigate where the trash generated by your school goes.
Find the 5 closest landfills.
Develop a recycling plan for your school that includes a collection strategy, a storage strategy and a disposal strategy.
The Process
1. You will be assigned to a group. Each group will have a name. Each group member will be assigned a special title; Project Manager, Public Relations Executive, Secretary and Researcher.
2. After you are assigned a title, click on the link below to learn more about your responsibilities. Read and understand your role, then share your resonsibilities with your group members. Remember, it is important that all group members work together by communicating, meeting and keeping on task.
3. After all members have completed their tasks, you will work as a group to develop the final recycling plan for your school. These links may be useful.Project Manager
The World's Shortest Comprehensive Recycling Guide
Recycling Containers
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-EPA4. When your plan is complete, present your plan to the school committee that will include the technology lab teacher, a classroom teacher, and the principal. This committee will decide on which plan to adopt for the school.
Your plan should provide information that answers these questions.
1. What is your strategy for collecting the paper and cans from the classrooms?Your presentation should include all assignments completed from each member.2. What is your strategy for storing the paper and cans in the school before disposal?
3. What is your strategy for disposing of the paper and cans?
Facts about recycling. Lists of items made from recycled goods. Survey results. Your pick for a recycling center. A statement regarding your school trash and landfills.
By participating in this activity, you will learn the importance of recycling and it's effect on the Earth. You will also learn that developing a plan of any kind takes time, research, organization and most importantly team work. The following links provide further information about recycling.
Additional Links:
Recycling Slide Show
Envirolink: Express Yourself
The Comsumer Recycling Guide
Recycling World
Anti-Recycling Myths
Credits & References
Thanks to ITSCO for their help in the creation of this WebQuest.
Graphics taken from:
Jelane's Free Web Graphics
#1 Free ClipartOther Recycling WebQuests
Paper or Plastic?
To Recycle or Not To Recycle
It's In The Bag
Second Time Around
Last updated on August 15, 1999<