Recycling Station Questionnaire
Secretary's Name _______________

As the Secretary you will contact the recycling stations and get information from them about collection, storage and disposal of the school's paper and aluminum cans.

When calling, do the following:

  • Introduce yourself by saying your name and telling them that you are a student at Millersport Elementary School.
  • Tell them that you are developing a recycling plan for your school and that you have some questions to ask.
  • Use the questions below to gather the information.
  • Recycling Station Name ______________________

    1.  Do you accept paper and aluminum cans?  __________

    2.  Do you collect these items or do we need to drop them off?


    3.  Do you provide recycling bins for the paper and cans? _____________

    4.  What are the fees for this recycling service?  ____________________________


    5.  Do you offer cash for these items?  ________________________